Friday, May 8, 2009



Hey peeps, sorry for not updating, lots of happening things happen to me but just to lazy to update..haha my bad..

ok recently on the 6th may, my fever was 38.7 so from work i was send home, but b4 i go hm i went to the staff clinic...the dr say i got tonsilitis, the only name i could remember was fauziah, sorry girl...HAHA...fever got highr next day 39.5 n i got diarrea, omg i got i drink alot, eat my medicene n take a cold shower, n i keep on finding sumthing to cool my body down...n thank got, by night my body temp was 38...

3rd day tat is 2day, was waking up from sleep every 2hours just to go toilet, wasnt had enough sleep, my head spins, when i tried to drink milo, the taste of vomitus just came out of my taste bud, n i just ran to the toilet n vomit all out...then b4 i could call the ward, sister anna called me, asking if im well to go to work or not...then i say im not well, as i will go c dr again...she also said tonsilitis but the cuz of my diarrea was the antibiotic tat was given to me last time...

with the new type of medication given, i felt all alive now, n a bit better, hope tomoro i could come to work...gtg now, tomoro my am shift....


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