Saturday, September 13, 2008

Browsing Google and found tis

Ipod touch

Dear Diary,

Was Browsing the internet n my eye got caught up with the item (above), i tell u ar, i look into their features and found out tat both r fun to use, but the different is tat iphone contains phone, camera, ipod, games and more, while ipod only contains everything the iphone have but without the phone. So want to find out more abt them click on the link below, and there is also a link to where they debet on the differences between iphone, ipod touch n normal ipod, haha, its fun to read, tempting to buy but i will pass for a moment, i will buy those expansive stuff, once i found a job and get big pay...haha, im sure going to jealous my sibling...

Links to features and debet:

and uh, tis song i love so much...listen ok...

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