Sunday, February 18, 2007

Who m I????

Dear Diary,

I dont really know who i am to the world. Some people hate me just because i'm soft and the girly type. But It my nature, wat i could see that the one who is close to me dont mind what i m, but sometimes the other people hurt my feeling by going further away from me. Some people laugh at me when i'm the only guy who is hanging around with girls, if i follow the guys, others might think they r gays, i did not ask 4 all that. I'm the type who is MANJA2 to frens n Family. Well in SEC Sch, people pretant to b my fren, but only now i know the truth that actually they hate me, i know it from a fren of mine that was ones my bestfriend. I think i'm bring embarrestment to people who is close to me. Sometimes i feel like i dont even belong the world, i feel like Buried myself or Jumping into a quicksand. Just something to get out of this world. The thing that really hurt
me is that, when ever someone heard my name, their mind will think "Oh, its the soft guy." Or "The Bapok who is always hanging out with girls." Now i got new friends, i also dont know wat their feeling really are, just
2 answer either Hate me OR Love Me?

-Hope My Life End Soon, I Can't Take It Anymore :'( -

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