Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Singapore confirms first case of swine flu

SINGAPORE (AFP) – A 22-year-old Singaporean woman who returned from New York has tested positive for swine flu, in the city-state's first confirmed case, the Ministry of Health said.

"Singapore has confirmed its first case of influenza A(H1N1)," the ministry said in a statement.

It said the patient was being treated at a communicable disease centre and was in a stable condition.

The woman was in New York from May 14-24, returning on a Singapore Airlines flight on Tuesday, during which she developed a cough.

The ministry said all her "close contacts" will be quarantined and provided with antiviral medication.

Dear Diary,

Today i heard singapore have her own 1st case of swine flu, n i also heard its at TTSH, im like OMG OMG, i dont wan to lose my students, i need help seh, n with swine flu alert, the N95 mask, gown, gloves, all need to wear, walau, with the enviroment, i will b sweating from head till toe seh, hidayah u still remember how we sweat? horrible rite...HAHA...students make me wan to stay in the ward, cuz with them around, i felt like i got sumone to talk to...u should know wat i mean...

niways, god please dont let the swine flu get spreaded, as a nurse im already tired wearing all tat stuff....

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